Mail Marketing

How Real-Time Reporting Can Improve Your Campaign(s)

When is it time to measure if your marketing campaign’s working – when it’s over? With a new mover campaign, of course it’s essential to choose what you believe to be the right audience, a great design, and a good partner or platform. But, what if you could do even more? Whatever partner or platform you choose, it’s important that you have access to some kind of campaign dashboard that gives you a detailed, up-to-the-minute view of your campaign’s success – so you can course correct as needed, improve cost effectiveness, and leverage successes as soon as possible.

By |2022-07-28T12:13:14-04:00July 28, 2022|Direct Mail Marketing|Comments Off on How Real-Time Reporting Can Improve Your Campaign(s)

10 Tips for Modern Direct Mail

Direct mail is just as relevant now, if not more, than it was in the pre-digital era. Today’s most successful modern direct mailers go beyond eye-catching creative and quick and timely execution. They succeed because of quality data, digital touches and personalization that leads to interest and results.

By |2022-06-30T12:01:37-04:00June 30, 2022|Direct Mail Marketing|Comments Off on 10 Tips for Modern Direct Mail