
How Real-Time Reporting Can Improve Your Campaign(s)

When is it time to measure if your marketing campaign’s working – when it’s over? With a new mover campaign, of course it’s essential to choose what you believe to be the right audience, a great design, and a good partner or platform. But, what if you could do even more? Whatever partner or platform you choose, it’s important that you have access to some kind of campaign dashboard that gives you a detailed, up-to-the-minute view of your campaign’s success – so you can course correct as needed, improve cost effectiveness, and leverage successes as soon as possible.

By |2022-07-28T12:13:14-04:00July 28, 2022|Direct Mail Marketing|Comments Off on How Real-Time Reporting Can Improve Your Campaign(s)

Why Direct Mail is So Effective

As direct mail experts, we know that one of the most important things about a direct mailer is eye catching, thought provoking, purposeful, and exciting graphics. It all matters. Color choices, fonts and weights, photography, placement – the list goes on. With so many design possibilities and a ton of choices to make, you may sometimes feel lost. To make things a little easier for you, we’re listing (and explaining) the top 10 design trends that will arise (or continue to be most popular) in 2022.

By |2022-01-14T10:01:49-05:00January 14, 2022|Direct Mail Marketing|Comments Off on Why Direct Mail is So Effective

Top Print Marketing Trends of 2021

It’s been quite the year (to say the least), but more specifically, it's been a year for print marketing. Print has always been a relevant tool for every type of business – especially pizza shops – and even with the many changes that arose throughout the time of the pandemic, the print industry has luckily been able to respond and work effectively during it. With the impact of Covid-19 along with market demands, we’re looking back on the top print marketing trends that made it through, and flourished in, 2021.

By |2022-02-01T13:56:19-05:00December 17, 2021|General Marketing Strategy|Comments Off on Top Print Marketing Trends of 2021

How to Create a Persuasive Postcard

Whether you realize it or not, the success of your direct mail campaign is highly dependent on its design and messaging, and the effectiveness of your design and messaging boils down to whether or not it entices and influences your target customers. While there’s a plethora of different decisions to make when building a good pizza marketing piece, the number one thing to always keep top of mind is persuading your audience. Today, we’re discussing how to make your next postcard persuasive and effective with messaging and design that really pops off the page and gets new and returning customers through your doors.

By |2022-02-03T11:16:03-05:00September 10, 2021|Direct Mail Marketing|Comments Off on How to Create a Persuasive Postcard

6 Direct Mail Mistakes (You Don’t Have to Make)

Effective direct marketing is a mixture of experienced technique, considering market trends, and visually enticing design and content. Getting to quality direct marketing can be anything but direct, and while your shop may experience a misstep here and there, here are 6 direct marketing mistakes you don’t have to make.

By |2021-04-16T09:49:12-04:00April 16, 2021|General Marketing Strategy|Comments Off on 6 Direct Mail Mistakes (You Don’t Have to Make)

How to Make Your Pizza Postcard Stand Out (and Not Be Thrown Out)

An effectively designed direct mail postcard can draw in many new and existing customers, and not just be wasted fluff in the mailbox. Create a postcard that’s going to stand out – rather than get tossed out – with these suggestions. (Note: incorporating some of these tips will depend on your goals and budget).

By |2021-03-26T09:36:11-04:00March 26, 2021|Direct Mail Marketing|Comments Off on How to Make Your Pizza Postcard Stand Out (and Not Be Thrown Out)