Za Blog

Za Blog2021-01-18T13:42:33-05:00

10 Tips for Modern Direct Mail

Direct mail is just as relevant now, if not more, than it was in the pre-digital era. Today’s most successful modern direct mailers go beyond eye-catching creative and quick and timely execution. They succeed because of quality data, digital touches and personalization that leads to interest and results.

The FAQs of New Mover Marketing

As you may know, the ZaHub platform specifically targets new movers – not just anyone – with direct mail marketing. If you’re like most of the vendors and pizzerias we met at the pizza expo, or people within the industry we talk to day-to-day, you may be wondering…why? So today, we’re going to answer all of your questions about new mover marketing – and give you some insight into why it’s a great pizza shop tactic that really works to get new customers through your doors.

5 Pizza Shop Marketing Techniques

Whether your shop is small and family-run, or large, and maybe one of several locations, it’s crucial to have a solid marketing strategy to catch the attention of potential customers. With today’s technology and tools, there are several avenues you can take to better your shop’s marketing, reputation, customer loyalty, and revenue. In this quick blog, we’ll go through 5 of them – and how you can use them for your shop.

How to Take Great Pizza Photos

Professional imagery is usually the best way to go when it comes to restaurant marketing – but we’re aware that not everyone has the budget or resources to work with an agency or hire a photographer. We still want your pizza to be as well-represented as possible. So, in this short read, we’re giving you the top five tips of today for taking your own effective and attractive pizza photography.

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